© 2012 Shannon Milholland

“They’re great!” You don’t even have to like Frosted Flakes to find yourself enthusiastically agreeing with this slogan. Wearing tennis shoes gives me the confidence to “Just do it!” and knowing the USPS delivers in rain, snow or sleet keeps me poking my head into my mailbox during the foulest of weather.

Every business has a brand. So does every author. Our choice is whether we build our brand with purpose or passivity. So consider which one of these you might be:

  • Raisin Bran – Are you a trusted and reliable friend? Is your writing filled with goodness and comfort?
  • Froot Loops – Are you unpredictable and just a tad loopy? Is your prose filled with color and unexpected surprise?
  • Lucky Charms – Are you affable and charming? Does romance and feel-good dot your pages?
  • Cap’n Crunch – Are you quick-witted and a bit explosive? Will your thoughts cause mine to crunch?

Your box may not even be on the shelf at the local market, but the first step to developing an effective brand as an author is to know who you are.

Once you have identified your brand, carry it every placeyou touch on the internet or in print. Use one consistent graphic and headshot from your website to social media to your book. And whether you’re penning a novel or typing a tweet, have one clearly identifiable voice as a writer.

You need to think about your brand as a part of everything you do whether you’re dressing for a speaking engagement or selecting a graphic for your book cover. Keep in mind the brand you are building is intended to be a lifetime commitment. Things still go better with Coke.

You won’t see a pink FedEx truck rumble down your street or find Michael Jordan selling musical instruments. Be true to yourself and your natural talent and build a brand that will last throughout your writing career.
Shannon Milholland is Social Media Director forSouthern Writers Magazine. She writes articles for both their magazine and blog about blogging and building platform. Shannon also extends Southern hospitality as the author of Jesus & My Orange Juice, a fresh-squeezed oasis for ordinary living. She finds joy among miles of carpools and piles of laundry and delights in leading others to this place of contentment. You can download her free eBook, PrePrayed.